Re-Elect Mike Jakubo

Economic Development

While securing grants can be an important component of economic development, it is also true that long term development cannot be fostered without the proper infrastructure being in place.  This investment has received a jolt forward in the last four years with the record amount of infrastructure renewal that we have invested in, including social infrastructure like better recreation facilities.  That improved and more reliable infrastructure provides a solid foundation for economic development.  We are starting to be in the position where all forms of development are possible and desirable across our City.

In the end, the true proof is in the establishment of good full time job creation.  In the past 4 years, employment metrics have remained steady, but that has been because more people are working and more employable people are in the job market.  Overall, Greater Sudbury is poised for future development the fruits of which are being seen with the local private development occurring to the East of Falconbridge Road, various new hotel and retail developments.

In Ward 7, we have seen job growth in the mining and exploration sector, our airport, and our retail sector.  Also the recent Cost of Growth Report has noted that Ward 7 boasts the least expensive lands to develop in the entire City from the City's perspective of future servicing. This positions the Ward as being the spot for residential development which will also support existing and future retail developments.